Marrakesh Express
Women Weavers OnLine
Ben Smim
Remember, all prices include shipping and insurance from Morocco to the US, which takes about two weeks. Other locations may vary in time and price, and you can email me to ask about them. Because of recent fluctuations in the dollar-Moroccan dirham exchange rate, prices may vary a bit from those here. Although such a change is not very likely, if that is the case, I will let you know when you ask about a particular piece. If I don't mention it, the price is unchanged.
Piece 2.12277 is a good example of one kind of rug that is made in Ben Smim. It has a very complex overall design that looks black and white from a distance, but here you can see color accents in red, blue and green, especially if you click on the photo. You can also see that it is heavily decorated with sequins. If you click here, you can see the overall design of the rug, which would not show up well in a small photo. Given the size and all the work that went into it, you can see why this rug is a bit expensive. It measures 5'3" x 9' and costs $710.
This is Fatima Jaaou, a master weaver who wove the rug above and the two pillows below. She is shown here with her youngest daughter. (You can click on the photo to see them both better.) She has five children ranging in age from 19 to 3, 2 girls and three boys. All are in school except this little girl and a son of 12, who was never good at school so dropped out and is selling plastic wares at the outdoor market. In his spare time he repairs electronic devices, a skill he taught himself. Fatima's husband is a guard at a small airport nearby.
Piece 2.12539 is a pillow that is mainly black and white, with the same overall diamond design as the rug above, typical of this area. If you click here for a close-up, you can see that the two large diamonds are outlined in a dark red. The back is quite different, with stripes in a blue-red, orange and black. It measures about 15" x 18" and costs $45.
Piece 2.12542 is rectangular with another version of a diamond design. It is mainly black and white, with the large diamonds outlined in violet, which is also the main color on the lovely back. The front has accents in turquoise and one neon orange diamond, seen clearly in the close-up. I find the irregularity of the designs part of their charm. This piece is about 12" x 23" and the price is $43.
This is Hanou Aarour, the wife of Mohamed Hora, standing the the doorway of her home. She made the rug and the bag below, but isn't weaving anything right now because she doesn't have money for materials. She has two daughters, one in the fourth grade and the one you can see peeking out from behind her. Her husband is a taxi driver.
Piece 2.12279 has a complex overall design of diamonds and looks black and white from a distance, but has accents of dark red and turquoise and also sequins. You can see the clarity of the design better by clicking on the photo, and the overall design by clicking here. This piece measures 4' x 7'10" and costs $375.
Piece 2.12551 is very unusual. It's a small bag, useful for overnight trips. The top, front, back anad bottom are woven in one piece, and the sides separately. There is a top zipper and it is lined with cardboard to give it shape, and then with green nylon. The front and back are mainly black and white with accents in rich red, turquoise and some gray, while the sides have a maroon background. Both are trimmed with sequins. You can be sure no one else will take this off the baggage carousel by mistake! Click here for a view of how it looks when carried, and here for a close-up of the work. On the close-up you can also see how the bag changes patterns on the bottom but is still woven in one piece. The bag measures 14" high, 16" wide and 7" deep and costs $100. SOLD but I can ask Habiba to look for another; she's done so before.